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Unit for activation energy

Activation energy

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Use this information to estimate the activation energy for the coagulation of egg albumin protein. Note: If you read this carefully, you should notice that I am not saying that the reaction will be 30000 times faster. To see how this is done, consider that...

Or a chemist could heat up the molecules, the energy of all the reactant and product molecules would rise, and the majority of molecules could reach the energy required for the transition state, and the reaction could proceed quickly. Who Discovered Activation Energy?

Activation energy - Suppose in the presence of a catalyst that the activation energy falls to 25 kJ mol -1.

Note: If you aren't sure what a rate constant is, you should read the page about before you go on. This present page is at the hard end of the rates of reaction work on this site. If you aren't reasonably confident about the basic rates of reaction work, explore the first. The Arrhenius equation Rate constants and rate equations You will remember that the rate equation for a reaction between two substances A and B looks like this: Note: If you don't remember this, you must read the page about before you go on. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page. The rate equation shows the effect of changing the concentrations of the reactants on the rate of the reaction. What about all the other things like temperature and catalysts, for example which also change rates of reaction? Where do these fit into this equation? These are all included in the so-called rate constant - which is only actually constant if all you are changing is the concentration of the reactants. If you change the temperature or the catalyst, for example, the rate constant changes. This is shown mathematically in the Arrhenius equation. The Arrhenius equation What the various symbols mean Starting with the easy ones. Temperature, T To fit into the equation, this has to be meaured in kelvin. It turns up in all sorts of unlikely places! Activation energy, E A This is the minimum energy needed for the reaction to occur. To fit this into the equation, it has to be expressed in joules per mole - not in kJ mol -1. Note: If you aren't sure about activation energy, you should read the before you go on. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page. And then the rather trickier ones. You don't need to worry exactly what it means, although if you have to do calculations with the Arrhenius equation, you may have to find it on your calculator. You will find a simple calculation associated with this further down the page. The frequency factor, A You may also find this called the pre-exponential factor. A is a term which includes factors like the frequency of collisions and their orientation. It varies slightly with temperature, although not much. It is often taken as constant across small temperature ranges. By this time you've probably forgotten what the original Arrhenius equation looked like! Don't worry about what it means. Using the Arrhenius equation The effect of a change of temperature You can use the Arrhenius equation to show the effect of a change of temperature on the rate constant - and therefore on the rate of the reaction. If the rate constant doubles, for example, so also will the rate of the reaction. Look back at the rate equation at the top of this page if you aren't sure why that is. What happens if you increase the temperature by 10°C from, say, 20°C to 30°C 293 K to 303 K? The frequency factor, A, in the equation is approximately constant for such a small temperature change. Let's assume an activation energy of 50 kJ mol -1. In the equation, we have to write that as 50000 J mol -1. The value of the gas constant, R, is 8. At 20°C 293 K the value of the fraction is: By raising the temperature just a little bit to 303 K , this increases: You can see that the fraction of the molecules able to react has almost doubled by increasing the temperature by 10°C. That causes the rate of reaction to almost double. This is the value in the rule-of-thumb often used in simple rate of reaction work. Note: This approximation about the rate of a reaction doubling for a 10 degree rise in temperature only works for reactions with activation energies of about 50 kJ mol -1 fairly close to room temperature. If you can be bothered, use the equation to find out what happens if you increase the temperature from, say 1000 K to 1010 K. The rate constant goes on increasing as the temperature goes up, but the rate of increase falls off quite rapidly at higher temperatures. The effect of a catalyst A catalyst will provide a route for the reaction with a lower activation energy. Suppose in the presence of a catalyst that the activation energy falls to 25 kJ mol -1. Redoing the calculation at 293 K: If you compare that with the corresponding value where the activation energy was 50 kJ mol -1, you will see that there has been a massive increase in the fraction of the molecules which are able to react. There are almost 30000 times more molecules which can react in the presence of the catalyst compared to having no catalyst using our assumptions about the activation energies. It's no wonder catalysts speed up reactions! Note: If you read this carefully, you should notice that I am not saying that the reaction will be 30000 times faster. There may well be 30000 times more molecules which can react, but it is highly likely that the frequency factor will have changed in the presence of the catalyst. And the rate constant k is just one factor in the rate equation. You won't just have the original reactants present as before. The catalyst is bound to be involved in the slow step of the reaction, and a new rate equation will have to include a term relating to the catalyst. Nevertheless, the catalysed reaction is still going to be a lot faster than the uncatalysed one because of the huge increase in sufficiently energetic molecules. Other calculations involving the Arrhenius equation If you have values for the rate of reaction or for the rate constant at different temperatures, you can use these to work out the activation energy of the reaction. Only one UK A' level Exam Board expects you to be able to do these calculations. They are included in my chemistry calculations book, and I can't repeat the material on this site. Note: There is no way of making this sufficiently different from what is in the book to avoid being in breach of contract with my publishers if I included it on this site. If you are interested in my you might like to follow this link. Questions to test your understanding If this is the first set of questions you have done, please read the before you start. You will need to use the BACK BUTTON on your browser to come back here afterwards. Where would you like to go now?


The term Activation Energy was introduced in 1889 by the Swedish scientist. The blue flame sustains itself after the sparks stop because the continued combustion of the flame is now energetically favorable. Activation Energy Before going on to the Activation Energy, let's look some more at Integrated Rate Laws. Activation energy Higher temperatures, faster reactions The chemical reactions associated with most food spoilage are catalyzed by enzymes produced by the bacteria which mediate these processes. But here, let's discuss activation energy, its relationship to the transition state, and what catalysts do. Catalysts lower activation energy by providing an alternate reaction pathway- a route from reactant to product that does not require a high-energy intermediate. Like these reactions outside of cells, the activation energy for most cellular reactions is too high for a significant number of molecules to undergo this uncatalyzed reaction. Everyone knows that milk turns sour much more rapidly if stored at room temperature rather than in a refrigerator, butter goes rancid more quickly in the summer than in the winter, and eggs hard-boil more quickly at sea level than in the mountains. Anatomy of a collision Energetic collisions between molecules cause interatomic unit for activation energy to stretch and bend unit for activation energy, temporarily weakening them so that they become more susceptible to cleavage.

0 Tovább

Manejo de cargas manuales

Recomendaciones para la manipulación manual de cargas

※ Download: Manejo de cargas manuales

Si te interesa, revisa el contenido, el temario y los objetivos del CURSO inem 2019 MANEJO MANUAL DE CARGAS. Te ofrecemos nuestros cursos de formación para que consigas tus objetivos profesionales: podrás adquirir los conocimientos y ha...

DEFINICIONES Carga : Cualquier objeto susceptible de ser movido cuyo peso exceda de 3 kg. En caso contrario utiliza guantes para evitar lesiones en las manos.

Recomendaciones para la manipulación manual de cargas - Elementos mecánicos Módulo III.

RIESGOS GENERADOS EN LA MANIPULACIÓN DE CARGAS En el sector educativo, debido a las características de su actividad, este tipo de riesgos es poco frecuente. La manipulación mecánica de cargas prácticamente no existe y la manipulación manual se limita generalmente a pesos pequeños y de manejo ocasional, siendo su incidencia más habitual en personal no docente como: cocineros, conserjes o personal de limpieza. DEFINICIONES Carga : Cualquier objeto susceptible de ser movido cuyo peso exceda de 3 kg. Manutención o manipulación manual de cargas: Cualquier operación de transporte o sujeción de una carga por parte de uno o varios trabajadores, entendiendo por operación el conjunto de acciones de levantamiento, colocación, empuje, tracción, transporte o desplazamiento, pudiendo considerar el almacenamiento como fin de este proceso. Manutención o manipulación mecánica de cargas: Conjunto de operaciones de manutención levantamiento, transporte, descarga o cambio de lugar de cualquier material por métodos mecánicos, es decir, mediante equipos de manutención, tales como carretillas automotoras, puentes-grúa, accesorios y transportadores. MANIPULACIÓN MANUAL DE CARGAS Riesgos. Se pueden producir en cualquier zona del cuerpo, pero son más sensibles los miembros superiores, y la espalda, en especial en la zona dorso-lumbar. El rango de las lesiones dorso-lumbares puede variar desde un lumbago a alteraciones de los discos intervertebrales hernias discales o incluso fracturas vertebrales por sobreesfuerzo. También se pueden producir: lesiones en los miembros superiores hombros, brazos y manos ; quemaduras producidas por encontrase las cargas a altas temperaturas; heridas o arañazos producidos por esquinas demasiado afiladas, superficies demasiado rugosas, clavos, etc. Estas lesiones, aunque no son lesiones mortales, pueden tener larga y difícil curación, y en muchos casos requieren un largo período de rehabilitación. El INSHT ha elaborado una para la evaluación y prevención de los riesgos relativos a la Manipulación manual de cargas, proporcionando criterios y recomendaciones para facilitar la interpretación y aplicación del citado Real Decreto. Factores de riesgo: 1. A modo de indicación general, el peso máximo que se recomienda no sobrepasar en condiciones ideales de manipulación es de 25 kg. No obstante, si la población expuesta son mujeres, trabajadores jóvenes o mayores, o si se quiere proteger a la mayoría de la población, no se deberían manejar cargas superiores a 15 kg. Obligaciones generales del empresario. El empresario deberá adoptar las medidas técnicas u organizativas necesarias para evitar la manipulación manual de las cargas, especialmente mediante la utilización de equipos para su manejo mecánico. Cuando esto no pueda evitarse, tomará las medidas adecuadas para reducir el riesgo que entrañe dicha manipulación. Entre estas medidas está la evaluación de riesgos. Los riesgos de lesiones debidos a la manipulación manual de cargas aumentan cuando los trabajadores no tienen la formación e información adecuadas para la realización de estas actividades de una forma segura. En el caso que sea necesario su uso durante la tarea. La consulta y participación de los trabajadores. La consulta y participación de los trabajadores o sus representantes sobre las cuestiones a las que se refiere este Real Decreto se realizarán de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el apartado 2 del artículo 18 de la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Vigilancia de la salud. El empresario garantizará el derecho de los trabajadores a una vigilancia adecuada de su salud. Tal vigilancia sea realizada por personal sanitario competente, según determinen las autoridades sanitarias en las pautas y protocolos que se elaboren, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Método para levantar una carga Como norma general, es preferible manipular las cargas cerca del cuerpo, a una altura comprendida entre la altura de los codos y los nudillos, ya que de esta forma disminuye la tensión en la zona lumbar. Si las cargas que se van a manipular se encuentran en el suelo o cerca del mismo, se utilizarán las técnicas de manejo de cargas que permitan utilizar los músculos de las piernas más que los de la espalda. Para levantar una carga se pueden seguir los siguientes pasos generales: 1. Colocar los pies en una postura estable y equilibrada para el levantamiento, abriendo los pies a una anchura similar a la de los hombros. No flexionar demasiado las rodillas. Si continúas navegando consideramos que aceptas su uso. Puedes Obtener más información en nuestra.


Si manipulas cargas con frecuencia, manejo de cargas manuales resto del tiempo de trabajo deberías dedicarte a actividades menos pesadas y que no impliquen la utilización de los mismos grupos musculares, de forma que sea posible que te recuperes fisicamente. Es importante que los trabajadores que realizan este tipo de tareas estén suficientemente entrenados e informados de los posibles riesgos que pueden producirse. Procure no efectuar giros, al levantar la carga. RIESGOS GENERADOS EN LA MANIPULACIÓN DE CARGAS En el sector educativo, debido a las características de su actividad, este tipo de riesgos es poco frecuente. Una carga demasiado profunda aumenta las fuerzas compresivas en la columna vertebral. En caso de no poder evitarse evaluará el riesgo para determinar si es o no tolerable y tomará las medidas necesarias para reducir los riesgos a niveles tolerables mediante: - utilización de ayudas mecánicas - reducción o rediseño de la carga - actuación sobre la organización del trabajo - mejora del entorno de trabajo teniendo en cuenta las capacidades individuales de las personas implicadas. Cuando sean bajas, debes estar convenientemente abrigado y procurar no hacer movimientos bruscos o violentos antes de haber calentado y desentumecido los músculos. Cuando no sea posible se evitará los efectos negativos de las temperaturas.

0 Tovább

Como realizar formulas en excel

Crear una fórmula simple en Excel

※ Download: Como realizar formulas en excel

En el siguiente ejemplo el rango de celdas B2:B7 tiene el nombre Ventas y el rango C2:C7 el nombre Gastos. Si estás dando tus primeros pasos con Excel y en general con cualquier hoja de cálculo, te será de ayuda este practico tutorial en donde a continuación te resumo las principales acciones a realizar cuando estés empezando con el programa, incluso partiendo desde el principio. Presione Entrar para visualizar el resultado 95,94 en la celda B7.

Paso 4 Repite la instrucción SI automáticamente en lugar de volver a escribirla en cada celda. Las condiciones son similares a lo que se puede hacer con la fórmula CONTAR. ¿Existe alguna fórmula de fecha y hora en Excel que estoy omitiendo en éste tutorial que usas regularmente?

Crear una fórmula simple en Excel - Le dimos 300 para tener capacidad de 300 registros, pero tú puedes extender el rango como tú quieras.

Excel nos da la oportunidad de utilizar diferentes métodos para ingresar nuestras fórmulas. Ingresar una fórmula manualmente La manera más simple de introducir una fórmula en Excel es capturando todo el texto que la compone directamente en la celda o en la barra de fórmulas. Tal como cualquier otro texto podemos utilizar las flechas para movernos entre el texto así como realizar cualquier edición con el teclado. Ingresar fórmulas con el ratón Existe un método alterno que nos permite ingresar una fórmula de una manera más rápida y menos susceptible a errores. Con este método utilizamos el ratón para seleccionar las celdas que forman parte de una fórmula. Ingresar fórmulas con las flechas del teclado Este método es similar que el anterior, pero la diferencia es que en lugar de utilizar el ratón para seleccionar las celdas utilizamos las flechas del teclado para movernos en la hoja de Excel hacia la celda a la que deseamos crear una referencia en nuestra fórmula. Utilizar autocompletar para ingresar una función Las fórmulas de Excel pueden utilizar funciones y para insertarlas en la fórmula podemos hacer uso de la funcionalidad de Autocompletar la cual hace más sencillo introducir el nombre de la función. En este ejemplo utilicé las facilidades del autocompletar y también del ratón para introducir las referencias de las celdas dentro de la fórmula. Insertar nombres de rango en fórmulas En Excel podemos tener celdas o y podemos utilizar dichos nombres en nuestras fórmulas. En el siguiente ejemplo el rango de celdas B2:B7 tiene el nombre Ventas y el rango C2:C7 el nombre Gastos. Podemos ingresar estos nombres en nuestras fórmulas de la siguiente manera: La condición para utilizar un nombre de rango en nuestras fórmulas es que debemos conocer previamente el nombre al menos saber la letra inicial para obtener la lista de nombres disponibles. Si no conocemos el nombre del rango ni la letra inicial del nombre podemos pulsar la tecla F3 para desplegar el cuadro de diálogo Pegar nombre el cual nos dejará seleccionar el nombre de una lista. Nota: Si no existen nombres previamente definidos, al oprimir la tecla F3 no sucederá nada. Editar fórmulas en Excel Después de haber ingresado una fórmula es probable que tengamos la necesidad de realizar alguna modificación.


Piensa en una base de datos en la que tengamos Nombre, Apellidos, Dirección, Sexo… ¿me explico. Ahora vamos a insertar nuestra fórmula para que la existencia se vaya actualizando conforme los movimientos de nuestra tabla Movimientos de Inventario. Si quieres cambiar el estilo de ésta fecha, sigue leyendo. En este caso queremos unir el nombre con el apellido, y además poner un espacio entremedio. Si cambia la posición de la celda que contiene la fórmula, cambia la referencia. El estilo de referencia F1C1 es útil para calcular las posiciones de fila y columna en macros. Una referencia 3D incluye la referencia de celda o de rango, precedida de un rango de nombres de hoja de cálculo. Haz clic en el botón Autosuma. Usar Autosuma Con Autosuma puede sumar rápidamente una columna, fila o números.

0 Tovább

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0 Tovább

Enable macro in excel 2016

Enable or disable macros in Office files

※ Download: Enable macro in excel 2016

Get answers and train to solve all your tech problems - anytime, anywhere. Step 1: Access the Excel Options dialog. This way, when Excel displays a dialog saying that macros have been disabled and you need to enable macros, you'll know exactly what to do.

One example of something you don't want to do appears in Excel 2013 VBA and Macros. What Happens If You Ignore Or Dismiss The Security Warning Without Enabling Macros And, Later, Try To Run A Macro? Click this option if you want macros to be disabled, but you want to get security alerts if there are macros present.

Enable or disable macros in Office files - Once you're inside the Trust Center, make sure that you're on the Trusted Locations tab.

I've been there… I found a new macro that promised to automate a particularly annoying task, save me a ton of time and make me significantly more efficient in Excel. I tried to run the macro. Needless to say, I eventually learned how to enable macros in Excel. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this Excel tutorial now. However, since I know that I'm not the first or last one to raise those questions, I decided to write this post. My purpose with this tutorial is to answer the questions above and explain to you the most important things you need to know regarding how and when to enable macros in Excel. This way, when Excel displays a dialog saying that macros have been disabled and you need to enable macros, you'll know exactly what to do. Therefore, let's start by understanding… Excel's Default Macro Security Setting: Disable Macros With Notification Excel's default setting is to disable all macros with a notification. If this is the case, get in touch with this administrator. The first question you may have is… Why Are Excel Macros Not Enabled By Default? This may sound like ancient history to most of you, but: Once upon a time, Excel along with the other Microsoft Office applications enabled macros by default. But then: Kwyjibo came. In case you're a Simpsons fan and are wondering whether I'm referring to Homer Simpson… The answer is no. I'm also a little bit disappointed. I also like the Simpsons and would've enjoyed writing about them. I'm referring to , also known by other names such as Kwyjibo. This was a that propagated via a. The virus became famous back in 1999. Certain large corporations were affected. What do you think was the consequence of this? As explained in Excel 2013 VBA and Macros by Excel experts Bill Jelen and Tracy Syrstad, Microsoft changed the default security settings of the Microsoft Office applications. Under the current setting macros are, by default, not enabled. Nowadays, macro security is very important. The reason for this, as explained by Excel authority John Walkenbach in Excel VBA Programming for Dummies is that VBA is a very powerful language. Walkenbach goes on to explain that: A macro can delete files, send information to other computers, and even destroy Windows so that you can't even start your system. Therefore, you want to understand what you're doing when enabling macros. This way you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of macros while minimizing the risk of having your computer infected with dangerous. Let's assume, that you want to enable macros in Excel because you want to. The following sections explain the different ways in which you can enable macros in Excel and the most important aspects of macro security settings you'll need to understand in order to be reasonably protected from macro viruses. How To Change Your Global Macro Security Settings In Order To, Among Others, Enable Macros In Excel By Default Excel allows you to determine whether macros are enabled or disabled automatically. You determine these default settings through the , which is where you can see and set all the security and privacy settings for Excel. If you enable macros in Excel through the Trust Center, those settings become the new default and apply globally. If you want to enable macros for only certain Excel workbooks, you can do so by saving them in a trusted location, as I explain in the next section of this Excel tutorial. Let's see how to change your global macro security settings in 2 easy steps. This allows you to, for example, enable macros in Excel by default. Alternatively, you can get to the Trust Center through the Excel Options dialog. Do this in the following 4 simple steps. Step 1: Access the Excel Options dialog. Step 2: Go to the Trust Center tab. This takes you to the Trust Center. Step 4: Go to the Macro Settings tab. Once you're inside the Trust Center, make sure you're on the Macro Settings tab. This tab appears on the left side. Excel allows you to choose 1 out of 4 separate settings to set whether Excel enables or disables macros. To choose the macro setting you want to enable, simply click on the circle on the left side of it and, then, click on the OK button on the lower right corner of the Trust Center. Let's take a look at what each of these options means and does. Option 1: Disable All Macros Without Notification This option is self-explanatory. As you may've guessed, this is not the option you want to choose. As explained by Mr. Excel Bill Jelen and Tracy Syrstad in Excel 2013 VBA and Macros: This setting is for people who never intend to run macros. Note that this macro doesn't prevent absolutely all macros from running. As I mention above, macros in trusted locations can still run without going through the checks of the Trust Center system. Option 2: Disable All Macros With Notification As you've probably noticed the difference between this option and option 1 is that, now, Excel notifies you that a macro has been disabled. This is the default option in Excel and, as explained in Excel 2013 VBA and Macros, it's also the recommended setting. Excel's notification that macros are not enabled allows you to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether you want to enable macros for a particular Excel workbook. More precisely, if you open a file that has macros and isn't open , you'll see the following message below the Ribbon. If at the time of opening the workbook with macros the Visual Basic Editor is also open, Excel displays a security notice: Regardless of which of the 2 messages you see, you have 2 options. Option 1: Enable Macros. You have 2 possible ways to enable macros. Which of the 2 options above applies depends on whether the Visual Basic Editor is open or not. If the VBE is open, you'll see the Microsoft Excel Security Notice that appears in the second screenshot above. Otherwise, you'll see the security warning that appears in the first image. Possibility 2: Enable the macros using the by following the 3-step process below. Option 2: Keep Macros Disabled. If the VBE is not open, ignore the message or close it by clicking on the cross at the right side of the security warning as shown in the image below. In all of these cases, the macros are not enabled. What Happens If You Ignore Or Dismiss The Security Warning Without Enabling Macros And, Later, Try To Run A Macro? If you try to run a macro even though you've not enable them, Excel displays the following dialog box to inform you about this: In order to solve this issue, follow the indications that appear in the dialog. What Happens The Next Time You Open An Excel Workbook In Which You Have Enabled Macros. Excel remembers when you enable macros in an Excel workbook. Therefore, if you enable the content of such workbook following the process described in this section, the next time you open it all the macros are automatically enabled. In other words, that particular Excel file becomes a. You can enable the macros in a particular Excel file for a single time, without turning that Excel workbook into a trusted document, by following the process I explain below. As explained by Microsoft , there are some situations in which you can't make a particular Excel workbook a trusted document. In those cases, macros are not automatically enabled the next time you open the relevant Excel file. When a file can't be made a trusted document, the macros that you enable by following the steps described above are only enabled for a single time. When you open the file again, Excel shows the security warning or security notice again and ask if you want to enable the content as explained above. Option 3: Disable All Macros Except Digitally Signed Macros This option, just as the previous 2, generally disables macros automatically. However, in this case, the process is slightly more complicated due to the existence of an exception for digitally signed macros. This allows you to enable the signed macros or add the publisher to your list of trusted publishers. The question is, then, when should you choose this option? In Excel 2013 VBA and Macros, Excel authorities Mr. Option 4: Enable All Macros This setting enables all macros automatically. However, notice the clear warning that Microsoft includes within the parenthesis: If you remember the explanation I provide above as to why Excel macros are not enabled by default, you'll see the problem with enabling absolutely all macros automatically. This macro setting leaves your computer vulnerable to macro viruses. In other words, unless you have a very compelling reason to do otherwise, its best to avoid option 4. How to Enable Macros For Certain Excel Files In addition to setting global settings to determine whether macros are enabled or not, you can determine the individual macro settings for particular Excel workbooks. You do this through creating and managing , which are particular folders in your hard disk or network. As explained by Microsoft , Microsoft Office creates several trusted locations during the installation process. Excel files that are in a trusted location are not checked according to the security settings of the Trust Center. Therefore, the macros of all the Excel workbooks that are saved in trusted locations are automatically enabled. In Excel VBA Programming for Dummies, Excel guru John Walkenbach writes that designating one or more folders as trusted locations is: Perhaps the best way to handle macro security. You can add a trusted location by following these 8 easy steps. Step 1: Access The Trusted Locations Tab In The Trust Center You can access the Trusted Locations tab in 2 simple steps. Step 1: Enter The Trust Center. The most straightforward way to get to the Trust Center is by clicking on the Macro Security button in the Developer tab of the Ribbon. You can also access the Trust Center through the Excel Options dialog, as I explain above. Step 2: Go To The Trusted Locations Tab. Once you're inside the Trust Center, make sure that you're on the Trusted Locations tab. Step 2: Set Whether You Want To Allow Trusted Locations On Network Trusted locations can be both on your hard drive and on a network location. The default setting reflects this. Additionally, according to Microsoft, you should avoid adding public folders on network shares as trusted locations. Step 3: Click The Add New Location Button This step is self-explanatory. Click on the Add new location… button on the lower part of the Trust Center. Step 4: Click The Browse Button After you've clicked the Add New Location button, Excel displays the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog. Step 5: Select The Folder You Want To Add As A Trusted Location After you've clicked on the Browse button, Excel opens the Browse dialog. This probably looks familiar. This is the dialog box you'll use to select the folder you want to add to your trusted locations. The following screenshot shows how the Browse dialog looks if, for example, you wanted to add the Trusted Locations folder which is stored in the Examples folder: Step 6: Set Whether You Want To Trust Subfolders Of The Selected Location After you've selected the folder to be added as a trusted location, Excel takes you back to the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog. If you want, you can also add a description of the trusted location, using the Description field on the lower part of the dialog. Adding a description is optional. Step 7: Click The OK Button Once you've completed the 6 steps explained above, you're ready to go back to the Trust Center. To close the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog and go back to the Trust Center, click the OK button on the lower right corner. Step 8: Click The OK Button Once you're back in the Trust Center, you'll notice that the location that you've selected by following the 7 steps above has been added to the list of trusted sources for opening files. You've pretty much completed the process to add a trusted location. Simply click the OK button on the lower right corner to finish. When To Use And When Not To Use Trusted Locations You're probably already aware of the following, but I'll say it anyway: You should be very careful when selecting which locations you add to the list of trusted sources for opening files in Excel. Remember that all Excel workbooks that are stored in trusted locations have their macros enabled automatically, regardless of what the global setting for macro security is. One example of something you don't want to do appears in Excel 2013 VBA and Macros. Here, the authors explain how Outlook stores email attachments that you double-click in a temporary folder. In a similar vein, that you avoid designating your entire Documents or My Documents folders as trusted locations. In this case, is better to create subfolders and add those subfolders alone to the list of trusted locations. So when does it make sense to add a trusted location? In the webpage I link to above, Microsoft provides a good rule of thumb. Basically, it may make sense to use trusted locations when you have certain Excel workbooks that you don't want the Trust Center security feature to check before opening. Doing this is safer than changing your default macro security settings in the Trust Center to something less safe. In this case, instead of changing your global macro security setting to Disable all macros with notification, it may make more sense for you to create a trusted location. You can then save your few Excel workbooks with macros on that trusted location and, when you open them, their macros are automatically enabled. How To Enable Macros For A Single Time What can you do if you receive an Excel workbook that contains macros which you want to use but you don't want to do any of the following? The answer is that you enable the macros for a single time in 3 easy steps, as explained below. Note that this process only works if Excel has notified you that macros have been disabled. If you have, for example, disabled all macros without notification, you'll need to change your default settings before being able to enable macros for a single time. A similar thing happens if you have disabled all macros except digitally signed ones, and open a book containing unsigned macros in which case there is no notification. If you follow this process, for as long as you keep the Excel workbook open. Since the Excel workbook doesn't become a trusted document in this scenario, if you close the file and later re-open it, the macros are not automatically enabled. Step 1: Access The Backstage View Go to the Backstage View by clicking on the File tab in the Ribbon. Step 2: Click On The Enable Content Button And Select Advanced Options Once you're in the Backstage View, you'll notice the prominent security warning which Excel uses to inform you that macros have been disabled. Click on the Enable Content button that is to the right of the security warning. Excel displays a drop-down menu. That's it, macros are now enabled for that particular session. Conclusion The quote in the image at the beginning of this Excel tutorial from Excel authority John Walkenbach states that Visual Basic for Applications is a powerful language. Should the potential risk of using macros stop you from using them? As explained by technology writer Chris Hoffman at : Macros are still potentially dangerous. But, like a lion at the zoo, you'd have to go out of your way to be hurt by them. This Excel tutorial has explained the most important things you need to know regarding how and when to enable macros. Therefore, by now, you probably have a good understanding of what activities and macro security settings are most appropriate for your particular situation. Additionally, you've also seen how you can enable macros in Excel in different situations, ranging from having them always enabled to enabling them for a single time. These different methods to enable a macro should be able to cover most of the situations that you find in your day to day work. Books Referenced In This Excel Tutorial Click on any of the images below to purchase the book at Amazon now. I love reading and sharing success stories from amazing members of the Power Spreadsheets community, like you. If this or any other Tutorial has helped you, please share your success story below. This only takes few seconds and, by doing it, you help the future development of Power Spreadsheets. Any improvements I make to this or the other free Tutorials in Power Spreadsheets based on your feedback will benefit you too. I'd like to highlight your amazing work if there's a suitable opportunity. Therefore, I may publish your success story so other members of the Power Spreadsheets community can learn and be inspired by your success. If there's any data about you or your success story you don't want me to publish, please expressly specify this below.


To display the Developer tab, click on File in the menu bar and select Options from the drop down menu. So, I think the problem is the drawing shape. This is the default setting. Instead of creating keyboard shortcuts, you can create worksheet buttons instead. Any line where you see an apostrophe at the beginning, followed by green text, are comments. Now you can rename the button. These settings let you adjust the way you want to work with macro-enabled workbooks. Step 8: Click The OK Button Once you're back in the Trust Center, you'll notice that the location that you've selected by following the 7 steps above has been added to the list of trusted sources for opening files.

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